30 Lessons I’ve learned for my 30th
The way you present yourself to the world truly matters. It affects your life more than you want to admit.
The Bible is truly interesting. Read it like a book.
Female friendships are important.
It’s better to attend events alone, than wish you had gone.
Nothing is wrong with liking different things than your friends
Do that thing. Start that podcast. Start that business. Create the vlog.
Save your money, but also you can’t take it with you
Wear the dress
Standing up for the truth is hard, but you will NEVER regret it
Brussel sprouts taste better roasted
Tea and coffee do actually taste good
No one really gets you like a sibling
Sometimes it’s better to let your friends vent to you about their lovers and you don’t have to comment.
You should make time to be creative
Education really is important
Turning nothing into something is the most fun thing in the world
Pink is the best color and nothing is wrong with you for leaning into it
Take care of your car so it will last longer
Walking is one of the best ways to lose weight and clear your mind
Taking breaks from things isn’t bad. You just have to know when to come back.
It’s fun to share your opinions, but sometimes it’s okay to keep them to yourselves
Look at what people do and not just what they say
Sometimes guy’s words and actions match and they still break your heart, but you can’t let that affect your heart
The only way to get over a broken heart is to keep going. Keep doing the things you love
Not every dream is going to come true, sometimes you have to pivot
Your health is so important and affects other aspects of your life
Your bounce back rate makes a big difference
Creative writing is the most fun way to express your feelings
Decide what you want in a guy and don’t waver. Compromise will make you feel worse.
It’s better to be single in your 30s than married to a bad guy in your 20s